How to Get Rid of Mold in Cabinet Under Sink? Easy Steps

Updated: May 2nd, 2024

Mold is an environmental fungus that grows in the form of multicellular filaments. Where there is excessive moisture and suitable organic material for the molds to feed on, mold grows.

Under-sink cabinets are the areas where we use to store our cleaning rags, sponges, or cleaning liquids. The leakage of any liquid can make the surface of the cabinet damp.

Also, the Under-sink cabinets are relatively warm and made up of wood or drywall so molds grow rapidly. Getting rid of this mold is necessary because not only damages your sink cabinet but is also a health hazard.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported through studies that it may cause asthma in people so its removal is crucial. Now there arises the main problem that how to get rid of mold in the cabinet under the sink.

In this article, there is a complete guideline for you to get rid of these molds by providing step-by-step guidelines.

Causes Of Mold:

There are many causes for the growth of mold in your under-sink cabinets like humidity from cooking and washing dishes etc but some of the main causes are:

Excess Moisture: High moisture levels assist the growth of mold, the moisture may be due to pipe leakage, leak from the window, ceiling, or basement, or high humidity level.

Organic Materials: Organic materials such as wood, drywall, and paper provide nutrients for the mold and cause the growth of mold.

Warm Temperatures: Mold can grow in a variety of temperatures but the best temperature for optimal growth is 25 to 30 centigrade (77-86 Fahrenheit).

Poor Ventilation: One of the other causes of mold growth is improper ventilation. When the ventilation is poorer it causes humidity in the environment which alternatively leads to the growth of molds.

Step By Step Guide:

Whenever you smell rusty smell in your kitchen it’s a sign that there is a growth of mold and it’s time to take some steps to terminate any damage. So here is the solution to your problem in the form of step-by-step guidelines:

Tools and Material:

Before beginning any procedure it is necessary to gather all the necessary tools and materials for the smooth flow of your work without any hindrance or disturbance. So the tools and materials required for removing mold are:

  • Breathing mask and Gloves (for protection from any skin damage due to molds)
  • Eye protection goggles
  • Scrubbing brush or sponge to scrub away the mold after cleaning
  • Bucket or spray bottle
  • Absorbent Materials such as Towels and rags for drying purposes after cleaning
  • Vacuum cleaner to remove loose mold spore ( if possible not necessary)
  • Mold-killing solutions like Vinegar and baking soda mixture
  • Bucket of clean water

Prepare the Area:

After gathering all the necessary tools the next step is to prepare the area where you are going to start your work. Remove all the goods or materials placed inside the cabinet or any hurdle that can resist you in your work. Remove any mold-infested item from your cabinet in a plastic bag.

Mostly you inspect the mold at the initial stage so can remove it with the doors of the cabinets but if you are facing difficulty in approaching your sick area of the cabinet then first remove the doors. Try to remove all the dry mold from the surface by yourself.

Make sure while doing all this work you are wearing your protective gloves, goggles, and mask to protect yourself from any health issue like asthma, pneumonia, or any other respiratory problem.

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Apply Cleaning Agent:

Next after the preparation of the cabinet, there comes the step of applying a cleaning agent on your affected surface to remove these molds. You can use different solutions on the surface some of the effective solutions are:

1-Baking soda: Dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in one cup of water for effective removal of molds from your cabinet surface. baking soda is an eco-friendly, less costly, and easily available solution at home.

For stubborn molds, you can also mix some vinegar into the solution. It is a stronger killing agent for tackling these stubborn areas.

2-White Vinegar: Another solution you can use for getting rid of molds in the cabinet under sink is white vinegar. You can use the white vinegar in pure form or also by adding an equal amount of warm water to it. It is also a very effective way to remove the mold.

Make the solution and fill this solution into a spray bottle. Spray this solution on the surface and allow it to sit for at least one hour. After one hour remove the mold by using any brush and sponge.

3-Hydrogen Peroxide Solution: By using 3% hydrogen peroxide solution on the affected area you can get rid of molds under sink cabinets. This solution is easily available in the market. Apply the solution with a spray bottle on the surface and let it sit for 10-15 minutes.

Tip: Be careful to use it because any drop of it on fabric can damage fabric or carpet.

4-Tea Tree Oil Solution: Tea tree oil has natural antifungal properties. You can apply the mixture of 1 teaspoon of tree oil in one cup of water to get rid of mold in the cabinet under the sink. Spray the solution and let it settle without rinsing.

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Scrub Moldy Areas:

The fourth step after applying the solution is to scrub the area of mold vigorously. Use the scrubbing brush or sponge for scrubbing purposes. Scrub the areas to and fro and apply firm pressure, especially on stubborn areas.

You can also use old toothbrushes or small brushes for small grout lines and crevices where there is a chance of the presence of mold. Dip the rag in the water and apply it on the surface again and again.

Try to use more than one rag to prevent any spread of mold in areas where you are cleaning the molds. Be sure to rinse the rag properly every time. After scrubbing use a towel to rinse the surface.

Tip: Apply anti-mold sealant at the last to prevent any chance of mold growth in the future.

Dry the Area:

The last and final step is drying the surface. It’s the last but the most important step of this guideline because any moisture can again cause the growth of mold in your cabinet. So to get proper rid of this mold it is necessary to properly dry the surface.

You can use a dry towel and rags to dry the surface. Also, open the doors and windows for proper ventilation. You can also turn on the fan for proper drying purposes. After drying your cabinet is ready to use again for storing purposes.

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Molds are present in the environment so they can grow at any place where they find humidity and moisture. But their proper and timely removal is necessary because not only do they damage your cabinet but also cause many health issues.

So when the question arises of how to get rid of mold in cabinet under sink this article will be very helpful and will provide a step-by-step guideline to assist you in your problem’s solution.

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