5 Alternative Methods to Install Wall Cabinets without Studs

5 Alternative Methods to install wall Cabinets without Studs

Installation of wall cabinets without studs can be a challenging process, but not impossible. This situation normally occurs when studs are not available, weak to bear the weight of cabinets, or are not positioned where you need them. Studs provide the most direct and secure method for hanging wall cabinets. However, various alternatives allow for … Read more

How to get rid of Cockroach Smell in Cabinets?

How to get rid of Cockroach Smell in Cabinets?

Cabinets with small, tiny gaps can become ideal hiding spots for pests, particularly cockroaches. These insects are adept at finding secluded and dark areas to take shelter, and small gaps in cabinets offer them the perfect refuge. Cockroaches remain hidden and seemingly harmless at first, but the problem arises when they leave behind a musty, … Read more

How to Remove Turmeric Stains from White Cabinets?

How to remove turmeric stains from white cabinets

White kitchen cabinets, a hallmark of clean and classic design, can be particularly challenging to maintain when faced with stubborn turmeric stains. Turmeric, while beneficial for health and a staple in many cuisines, is notorious for leaving stubborn stains. Curcumin is the substance that gives this vibrant yellow spice its color. Turmeric might be a … Read more

How To Trim Cabinet To Fit Refrigerator?

How To Trim Cabinet To Fit Refrigerator?

When it comes to kitchen remodeling or upgrading your appliances, one common challenge is ensuring that the appliances that you have bought will fit seamlessly into the available space. If you’ve recently purchased a new refrigerator and feel what to do when refrigerator is too wide. Don’t worry you can trim cabinet to fit refrigerator. … Read more

How to Remove Decorative Molding from Cabinet Doors?

How to Remove Decorative Molding from Cabinet Doors

Decorative molding on cabinet doors is a simple method to give aging cabinets a more refined appearance. However, concerns about how to remove decorative molding from cabinet doors without damaging them arise, when it comes to removing molding or trim from cabinets. You can remove molding or trim from any furniture simply by starting prying … Read more

Guide To Lazy Susan Cabinet Dimensions

Lazy Susan Cabinet Dimensions

Lazy Susan cabinets are indeed popular alternatives to blind corner cabinets because they provide improved accessibility and make better use of corner spaces in kitchens. However, finding and measuring Lazy Susan cabinet dimensions can sometimes be challenging, especially if you have an existing cabinet space. A Lazy Susan cabinet is a rotating kitchen cabinet that has … Read more

Standard Corner Wall Cabinet Dimensions

Corner Wall Cabinet Dimensions

Many homeowners are facing space issues in their kitchens, but if you utilize the corner space aesthetically, you can get rid of it and increase storage space. Corner wall cabinets are a clever solution to make the most out of often underutilized corners. The Corner Wall Cabinet Dimensions play a crucial role in determining how … Read more

Cabinet Toe Kick Dimensions: Face-framed & Frameless Cabinets

Cabinet Toe Kick Dimensions

Remolding a kitchen is not easy, but it becomes more difficult if you are not aware of the dimensions of the cabinets. The cabinets’ sizes are slightly dissimilar from one another. Standard cabinets have different dimensions than custom cabinets. The dimension of the toe kick of the cabinets is also dissimilar. The Face-framed Cabinet Toe … Read more

Ideal Corner Base Cabinet Dimensions: 3D Model

Corner Base Cabinet Dimensions

Your kitchen must have 2–3 corners unless you have a galley kitchen. To organize this space, install corner base cabinets in the corners. Corner cabinets not only give a furnished look but also provide you extra space. If you do not want to fill the corner with a corner pantry, then you need a corner … Read more